KYC Transactions
The KYC Transactions widget displays the following data:
Total: Number of KYC transactions An executed business process that is associated with an account. The transaction applies credentials for the account to a workflow and contains the decision rendered by the workflow. your company has processed with Jumio during the selected time frame along with the percentage change over the same time frame of the previous year.
Average per day/week/month: Average number of transactions processed per day, week, or month, along with the percentage change in this average over the same time frame of the previous year.
The bar graph shows the average number of KYC transactions per day, week, or month. Each bar is color-coded to show the breakdown of transactions by risk score or status. Use the Risk Score and Status buttons to toggle between the two categories.
At the bottom of the graph are the number of transactions for the selected time frame broken down by risk score or status.